Deregistering Vehicles

Do you have an old or damaged vehicle and want to deregister it?

We take your vehicle to the scrap yard, with a tow truck if necessary, from anywhere in Spain

Bajas DGT

Do you have a Company vehicle?

We can take your vehicle to the scrapyard for deregistration in the DGT without any charges.

Baja vehículos empresa

Do you have a private vehicle?

We can take your vehicle to the scrapyard and deregister in the DGT without any charges.

Baja vehículos particulares

¿Te llamamos?


Nuestro horario de atención es:

  • L - J: 8:00 a 19:00
  • V:      8:00 a 18:00
  • S:      9:00 a 13:30

Elige la hora en que prefieras que te llamemos el próximo día laborable

We offer an integral and free solution to deregister a vehicle. You will not have to go the scrap yard or to the DGT for the deregistration.

- Antonio Fernández /

What we offer?

Certificado de Destrucción

Certificate of Destruction

We will deliver the "Certificado de Destruccion" of the vehicle, as well as the document confirming the definitive deregistration in the Direccion General de Trafico (DGT). This document will be useful for your insurance company and to request a partial refund of the tax "impuesto de Circulacion (IVTM).

Reciclaje de vehículos

Recycle your car

As required by the actual legislation, end-of-life vehicles not being in normal use (V.F.U) must be delivered in an authorized center for vehicle treatment (CATV) in order to recycle hazardous substances properly.

Compra de siniestros y averías

Appraisal of damaged vehicle

Request a quote for your damaged vehicle less than 10 years old. We will offer you an appraisal without any commitment on your side. We take care of the vehicle pickup to the scrapyard as well as the necessary paperwork.

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